First Week of School
This was the first week of school. It was a busy week! I figured out when all my classes are (several of them had to be arranged). I had three riding lessons and a Women of Whiting meeting, and I did lots of other fun things too. Here are some of them...

Here are Lisa and Ben eating lunch in the graduate commons room.

Adam at lunchtime.

The Women of Whiting meeting. This is the only photo that's on our webpage right now -- I keep forgetting to bring my camera to things, and we only have this one because Sarah (back row, left) went and got her camera. Yasmin (front row, second from left) is in the Catholic Community choir with me (back row, second from right).

On Tuesday, we played Dungeons and Dragons at Scott and Joslyn's house with Keith and Leann. From left: Joslyn, Leann, Keith, Scott, Adam.

Here are some things I've been making this week... I made a spinning ferris wheel with the (motorized!) K'nex set Adam gave me for Christmas. I made chocolate-chocolate-chip cookie bars. And I'm learning how to knit on four needles! Without gaping holes running down the sides! This is going to be a sock, if it's not either too big to fit Adam or too small to fit me... Notice the math homework in the background!

Today I've been wrapping presents. Adam's birthday is tomorrow!
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