Friday, May 18, 2007

Long overdue fencing photos

I took these pictures at Adam's fencing lesson way back in December, and I'm finally posting them now:

The class lines up in pairs to practice their moves. Adam's the one taking a big step on the far left. I think he's on the far left in all of these pictures, in fact, judging by the shoes.

Footwork -- see his back foot moving?

Another lunge.

A great leap forward!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Now that's love.

Back by popular demand!

So, I have a riding lesson on Saturday mornings. My apartment is about 45 minutes away from the stable, and Adam's townhouse is maybe 10 minutes away. So when I'm horsey and sweaty, it makes a lot of sense to go take a shower at his place.

Furthermore, his parents are coming to visit soon.

So Adam cleaned the grout in his shower. By hand. With a toothbrush.

Unfortunately, neither of us thought to take a "before" picture, but I assure you, this shower has undergone an absolutely stunning transformation.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Week 50 (50?!): The end is near!

Too busy to update this week. Everything in the world is due this Monday. I'll be back!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Weeks 48-49: Thanksgiving and Christmas!

I went home for Thanksgiving. :) Mariah helped my parents get dinner ready.

Tickle Me Elmo Xtreme was a big hit.

This past weekend, Adam and I went to get a tree for his house.

It was a little too tall for the room... Adam trimmed the tree.

What a beautiful tree!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Week 47: Rain

Just one picture this week, because I thought it was pretty amazing. This is how hard it was raining on Thursday:

Monday, November 13, 2006

Weeks 45-46: November?

For Halloween, Elizabeth and I were Doublemint twins.

I'm still knitting a sweater, but since it's my first sweater, I have to make the occasional minor correction.

This coming week is supposed to be 40 days and 40 nights of cold rain, but up until now Adam and I have been getting a lot of good bike rides and fall picture-taking in.

On Saturday night, I went with a group of students from Hopkins to see the illumination of the Baltimore Basilica. It's just undergone two and a half years of reconstruction. When I was there five years ago, it was very dark and gloomy inside, and the main dome was closed off from the inside because it was in danger of collapsing. Now it's beautiful. I forgot my camera, but Dan (one of the two Dans) took some great pictures, which you can look at here:

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Week 44: Bike ride

Yesterday Adam and I went for a bike ride!

I accidentally deleted all the pictures on my camera. :(
So Adam helped me take some more for the photo blog. :)

Some more fall colors, looming ominously over my apartment complex.