Sunday, June 25, 2006

Week 26: It's back!

My computer is, anyway -- it's returned from having its data recovered and its hard drive replaced. My camera's plumb out of battery, and I kept forgetting to plug it back in until today.

Here's a sampling of the pictures I had recovered.

Some are pictures that I know other people have copies of, like these coronation-dinner shots:

There are photos of the Beer family's trip to California, including archival records of the weird signs in the neighbor's window (he finally replaced the window, just this month, with glass blocks):

There are wedding photos the photographer never could've gotten (since he's in them!) and irreplaceable photographic works of art by small cousins:

There are school pictures and Christmas pictures and graduation-party pictures:

Nice computer-wallpaper shots of spring in Maryland and artifical flowers in New Jersey:

Pictures from trips with friends:

Pictures from England and Ireland:

And my previously promised thank-you pictures. Thank you for the cake and the jewelry!!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Week 25: Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!!

My computer will be back from the hospital soon, and hopefully photo-blogging can resume as before. (Today is extra slow, since the Blogger site is not responding well.)

In the meantime, here's a picture of me with my dad:

You can also go look at more pictures of a preschool graduation than you ever wanted to see.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Week 24: Not according to plan.

I'm blogging this week from Trudy & Henry's computer, since my laptop is in the hospital. :(

On the way to the Apple Store to have it diagnosed, I did see some interesting sights:

Jack London's birthplace and Morrow's Nut House.

One of my original plans for this week was to photo-blog my commute into the city, but for now you'll have to be satisfied with one shot of the California hills.

On Friday, Aunt Trudy and the kids very kindly brought my laptop to the San Bruno Caltrain station so I could take it in to have its data (hopefully) recovered. Unfortunately, I didn't have my Caltrain pass with me, and I got kicked off the train at the scenic South San Francisco Station (pictured below). Still more unfortunately, city-bound trains only stop at this station once every hour.

There were a couple of silver linings, though. I got an extra hour to sit outside and read The Fountainhead, which was nice. Also, South San Francisco happens to be the site of an interesting mural I've been trying, not entirely successfully, to photograph from the train:

In a still photo, it definitely looks better from a closer, slower-moving camera. You can see from the disproportionately long horizontal lines, though, that it really is meant to be viewed from a different angle -- the viewpoint of a passing train!

I have to give credit where it's due; I could never, single-handed, make a week as chaotic as the baby can make it. Here's a sample of some recent performance art.

Of course, surprises can be pleasant, too! I got two wonderful presents in the mail this week: a present from my parents to celebrate my master's degree, and a cake from Paula to celebrate my finishing Atlas Shrugged. Pictures of the (lovely!) necklace and bracelet are waiting to be retrieved from my laptop's dead drive, but here is a picture of the (delicious!) carrot cake.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Week 23: Play and work

Yesterday we went to San Bruno Park to play on the brand new play structure there.

The weather has mostly been warmish and sunny, but I've also had a few chances to watch the San Francisco fog roll in over the hills outside my window.

On Thursday, I started work in the city. Here's a city view out the window of my train.