Sunday, April 30, 2006

Week 18: Victory, hats and flowers

This is the applied math department team right after winning the CHAMPIONSHIP of intramural inner-tube water basketball. We're thinking of offering athletic fellowships next year... We'd hate to lose our competitive edge!

(Back row, from left: Bobby, Kim, Eric, Kevin, Billy(?), Adam; front row: Mo, Grace, Elizabeth, Spence, me, Lisa)

A lot of the spring flowers are gone already (?) but Adam has a pretty flowering bush outside his front door.

I planted flowers at my apartment too. They're finally sprouting!

Since the first baby hat came out so microscopic, I decided to add some stitches to the next one. I may have overdone it slightly. Steve and Elizabeth thought it was cool anyway, though. :)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Week 17: Two-week update

Here are a few pictures of what's been happening since the last real live update...

LOTS of people showed up for our Impostor Syndrome talk the Monday before Easter! (Including, of course, our speaker, Dr. Valerie Young.)

I've been boycotting campus (as much as possible) since Friday, because they put up carnival rides right below my office window!

I made a baby hat, but it's really microscopic -- in this photo it's being modeled by a pillar candle from my dining room table. I think I'm going to have to knit larger ones for my four (four!!) friends who are having babies.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Week 16: Easter!

It's Easter! My camera and its cable aren't in the same place, so here are a few "reruns" from last spring -- including the Easter Bilby that Adam brought me from Australia.

Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Week 15: Nothing much happened...

Not very much has happened this week, but here are some pictures of it:

A while back we made biscuits to go with Adam's beef stew. Here, the wild Biscuit-Scrap Gazelle roams its native plains.

On Monday, I left Adam's house in beautiful weather to go to my riding lesson. When I got to the barn, there was a huge green cloud coming up over it. Before I got to Adam's place again, it was hailing...

It's spring! It's still not staying consistently warm, but we are getting more and more flowering things...

Can you guess who cooked dinner on Saturday night?

Adam made another delicious and visually pleasing meal, and we watched the first half of The Two Towers.

This afternoon, we played Dungeons and Dragons again.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Week 14: More horse showing, wedding

First, some pictures from Ken (Adam's uncle) and Melissa's wedding, since this is how I am sharing them with Paula and Jim:

Ken and Melissa's wedding was at the Mohawk Country Club.

Adam tying his tie; the bride with her mother, daughters and stepdaughters.

Amusements: taking pictures and Ophelia the Chair.

Exchanging rings and the great escape.

Pictures after the ceremony and the beautiful quilt Jim made for a wedding present.

Now, pictures from the Columbia Horse Center Adult In-House Show last Friday. (I do still like math, but it's wayyy less photogenic...)

Some action shots.

The scores were close, but I managed to hold up part of my tradition by coming in dead last in the trail class -- Gremlin didn't trot over the trot poles (which have their name for a good reason). He did execute a lovely turn and halt in this little box, though. I (and one other rider) got a special dispensation on the last trail-class event, too: our horses are afraid of water bottles (???), so we high-fived Carolyn at each end of the jump standard, instead of moving a water bottle from one post to the other.

Javier organized a Musical Chairs class with a $50 prize. It came down to a photo finish, but Javier won.

Waiting our turn (not so very patiently) for the jump course.


I won first place in the Advanced Walk-Trot Pleasure class!