Week 17: Two-week update
Here are a few pictures of what's been happening since the last real live update...

LOTS of people showed up for our Impostor Syndrome talk the Monday before Easter! (Including, of course, our speaker, Dr. Valerie Young.)

I've been boycotting campus (as much as possible) since Friday, because they put up carnival rides right below my office window!

I made a baby hat, but it's really microscopic -- in this photo it's being modeled by a pillar candle from my dining room table. I think I'm going to have to knit larger ones for my four (four!!) friends who are having babies.

LOTS of people showed up for our Impostor Syndrome talk the Monday before Easter! (Including, of course, our speaker, Dr. Valerie Young.)

I've been boycotting campus (as much as possible) since Friday, because they put up carnival rides right below my office window!

I made a baby hat, but it's really microscopic -- in this photo it's being modeled by a pillar candle from my dining room table. I think I'm going to have to knit larger ones for my four (four!!) friends who are having babies.
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