Sunday, March 26, 2006

Week 12-13: Spring Break! Puppy!

Last week, I couldn't connect to on Sunday (or Monday or Tuesday...), so there was no update. Sorry about that.

In other news, my mom and dad got a new puppy!

Mariah and Lucy (the new puppy) get along very nicely, see?

No, really, they do.

We had a family dinner on Friday night so I could get my baby-cousin fix in.

I also went to the Joslyn Art Museum (twice!) to see the St. John's Bible. This is an amazing project. The monks of St. John's Abbey in Minnesota decided to commemorate the new millennium by commissioning a hand-written illuminated Bible -- the first one in five hundred years! Right now the display consists of the first two volumes to be completed (out of seven), Psalms and Gospels and Acts. It's absolutely beautiful.

Some events from last week:

Adam made dinner at my house again, and we watched another disc of The Lord of the Rings. He was very proud. :)

He even did the dishes!

It's getting to be spring in Maryland. Two weeks ago, on Monday, the high was 84 degrees! The temperature went back down into the 40s, but some flowers are still blooming (including the most beautiful flower, the dandelion!).

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Week 11: Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday, Mom!!!

Yesterday was Jim's birthday, so Adam and I went up to the Joisey Shaw to spend the weekend with his parents.

Unfortunately, the Blarney Cone was closed, but we did get some ice cream (although none of us had a Bobsicle).

Then we went out for a nice birthday dinner.

Almost all my pictures are from the weekend, because this was a busy week. I didn't want my computer to be too distracting while I was studying for the stochastic processes exam, so I covered it with things I wanted to memorize:

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Week 10: Bumper sticker and volunteer hours

Not too many photos this week, since I haven't had any Super Exciting Activities that require an Official Photographer.

I saw this bumper sticker on my way into school one morning.

On Friday evening, the Women of Whiting went to cook dinner at the Ronald McDonald House. I did manage to take pictures of that, since two of my main functions in the group are Photographer and Webmaster, and our web site needed pictures!

This is me telling Fope that I'm not sure why the salmon cakes are cooking so slowly. It wasn't the burner -- I was using the one burner on this stove that worked!

Some of the appliances (stove burners and one dishwasher) weren't working, but overall I was really impressed with the kitchen. It was very well organized. Which couldn't possibly have prevented most of the mishaps we had...

I have no idea how they burned the tapioca pudding. Did you know burnt tapioca smells just like a cigar?