Week 27: Travels

This is Adam's car. It has taken us many places this weekend, most notably home from the airport and to and from New Jersey. Traffic was horrible. The Management appreciated not having to drive on this trip!

This is Palo Alto Station (on the Caltrain line), which I saw for the first time on Friday on my way to San Jose Airport -- I've never been south of San Bruno on Caltrain, since my monthly pass is for Zone 1, and San Bruno is the end of Zone 1.
Below is a map of the Caltrain system, so you can get a slightly better idea of what I'm talking about. As always, you can click on it to get a bigger, more legible version.

This is more fog rolling in over the hills in Zone 1. :) You can see my camera reflected in the train window -- it was dying for lack of battery when I took this, so I didn't get a chance to take a better shot.

A while ago, Adam asked me to post a picture of one of his favorite sculptures, Large Boxing Hare on Anvil by Barry Flanagan. Here it is! It lives in the sculpture garden on the Hopkins campus.
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