Week 31: Vacation slides
What I Did On My Summer Vacation:

We went to Alcatraz (and they even let us come home again).

We watched teeny tiny GoCars and great big 12-passenger Patriarch Vans (and most everything in between) drive down Lombard Street.

We visited the Golden Gate Bridge, and Fort Point, which is right underneath it.

And we took plenty of touristy pictures.

"WHERE did I put my bridge?"
So that was Thursday and Friday. On Saturday, we borrowed Trudy and Henry's Pathfinder (thanks!) and drove down the coast.

Getting there was a little slow, since part of Route 1 is closed, but we got to look at a lot of cool scenery.

Once we got to the coast, things got moving.

We stopped at several little beaches along the way.

We climbed on big rocks...

...and skipped little rocks.

We played with big waves.

Then we got to Henry Cowell Redwoods National Park.

Which was, of course, amazing.
We went on an equally amazing night-time ride through the park on an old narrow-gauge railroad, but didn't take any pictures. You'll have to take my word for it.
On Sunday, we saw a movie; then we drove up the coast to explore and have dinner.

It would hardly be a summer vacation without a visit to Vermont.

After dinner, we got some final beach time in. It was a great weekend.